How Google Search Algorithms Work

Search Algorithms look at many factors including the words of your query, relevance, and usability of pages, the expertise of sources, and your location and settings.  To help search algorithms meet high standards of relevance and quality, there is a rigorous process that involves both live tests and thousands of trained search quality raters from around the world.

These are some of the key factors of how search algorithms work. Right now, take time off your online casino gaming and take note of the following for better rankings.

Site and Page Speed

Nobody likes a website that takes time to load a page that is wh7y having a website that loads quickly is an important component of google search. Users expect a pain-free browsing experience, which is why page speed is an important ranking factor.

Usability on Mobile

Google uses mobile-first indexing when crawling websites. This means that the search engines predominantly use the mobile version of a website when it is evaluating a page.  Even if the desktop version of your site is flawless, your search engine ranking could take a huge hit if the site is not optimized for mobile.

The crawlers use internal links as a signal that helps them to analyze and properly index this information. Internal links refer to any hyperlink that points to an internal age within your website. One method for keeping your internal links organized is by creating topic clusters. The idea is simple in that you create content around a specific topic and keep your interlinking within the cluster.

Keyword Targeting

Keywords are at the center of an effective google search algorithm. These are the search terms that people use when they go on a search engine to find what they are looking for. It is crucial to conduct keyword research before you can start creating content for your website.  There is a need to identify four to five keywords that you want to target.

Title and Header Tags

Once you know which keywords you want to rank for, it is important to insert them into specific places on your page like the title and header tags. Search Engines use these tags to learn what the page is about.  The title tag is what is displayed the most prominent in the search results pages.

Meta Description

The Meta description is a short description that lives in the code of your web page. It is displayed in search results although it does not appear on the page itself. It gives searchers more information about the page, which can increase the click rate.

Image Alt Text

Every image on your website comes with alt-text and it serves several purposes which include making your website accessible to visually impaired readers who rely on screen readers to browse the internet and helping search engines to understand the image properly.